Arm Lift

Arm Lift

One of the areas that sag after rapid weight loss or sleeve gastrectomy is the arm area. This deformation, which affects the person not only visually but also psychologically, leads the individual to the idea of having surgery. With arm lift (Brachioplasty) operation, the person gets rid of sagging skin and acquires a tighter arm structure.

What is Arm Lift Operation?

Arm lift operation is an operation performed to restore tightness by removing unwanted subcutaneous fat tissue and sagging skin in the arm region.

Why is it done?

Loose and sagging arm skin is one of the sources of a person's unhappiness. This problem is more noticeable especially in the case of sleeveless garments. When both arms are spread, sagging resembling a bat wing appears at the bottom.

Surgery helps to get rid of this condition, which both physically and emotionally disturbs the person.

Why does arm skin sag?

Arm region sags due to aging, genetic structure, excessive weight gain and loss, excessive exposure to the sun and the effect of gravity.

The sagging of the back and inside of the arm, which have a more loose skin and subcutaneous tissue, is mostly caused by fat accumulation and skin sagging.

How is arm lift performed?

The arm is reshaped by removing excess skin using incisions made in the armpit or inside the elbow. In the presence of excess fat, this fat is removed by liposuction or directly using the incisions. Aesthetic suture is applied at the incision sites.

How long does arm lift operation take?

Arm lift operation usually takes about 1-3 hours depending on the method to be employed according to the condition of the region.

Is arm lift a painful procedure?

Any mild aches and pains you might have after the operation will gradually subside and resolve with painkillers to be prescribed by your doctor.

Type of Anesthesia

Arm lift operation is performed under general anesthesia or sedation and local anesthesia under hospital conditions.

Arm lift before after illustration

Before Arm Lift Operation

Before the operation, arms are spread and detailed planning and drawings are made. Only excess skin, removal of which will provide adequate tightening and will not distort arm contour is marked.

Who can have Arm Lift Operation?

People who have unwanted fat accumulation and sagging skin in the arm area can have this operation.

Doctor Selection

Arm lift operations are covered by the field of aesthetic and plastic surgeons, a specialist should be consulted.

Things to consider before surgery

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol and discontinue blood thinners for at least one week before surgery.

If you develop any infection, you must inform your doctor before surgery.

After an arm lift

Things to consider after surgery

You should wear a special arm brace for at least three weeks.

Restrict strenuous arm movements for several weeks. Otherwise, some damage to sutures may occur.

Do not smoke in order to have a healthy and rapid recovery.

Recovery Process

If the operation is performed with local anesthesia, you may be discharged on the same day. If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, it'll be safer to stay overnight at the hospital.

In the first days, elastic bands are used on the arms.

You can have a shower 2 days after surgery.

You can resume daily activities 5-6 days after surgery and sports activities 1-1 and a half months after surgery.

You should wear a special arm brace for about 1 month.

Concealed and aesthetic sutures are applied so they do not have to be removed.

Price of Arm Lift Operation

The method to be applied and operative time as well as pricing may vary according to the condition of the arm region.

What are the risks of arm lift operation?

It has no special risk factor different from other surgical operations.

Frequently asked questions about arm lift

Isn't it possible to solve the problem with liposuction only?

In the case of arm sagging, if skin quality is good, only liposuction might be sufficient. Otherwise, arm lift operation is necessary.

Can liposuction be performed with this surgery?

Liposuction and arm lift are applied together in some cosmetic arm surgeries. In addition, this operation can be performed in combination with liposuction procedure to be applied in other regions.

Will there be any scar left after arm lift surgery?

Scars of incisions that occur during surgery are concealed under the arm or lower part of the trunk. These scars fade away over time.

Is it necessary to repeat arm lift operation?

It is not necessary to repeat the arm lift operation unless there is an extreme condition that causes deformation of the arm skin again.

Is it not possible to prevent arm sagging using medications and creams?

Skin care and regular exercise are beneficial to prevent sagging of the arms. However, they cannot reshape a loosened and sagging skin.

Can I have both the breast lift and arm lift at the same time?

Arm lift surgery can also be performed in conjunction with other applications such as breast lift, breast reduction or augmentation, leg lifting, abdominoplasty.

Does arm lift operation give permanent results?

With arm lift surgery, you can have permanently tigthened arms and a more proportioned body. However, to maintain this result, you should not gain weight excessively, and should do exercise regularly and have skin care.

Does arm lift operation cause swelling in hands?

After arm lift surgery, you might have swelling in and around the operation site, as is the case in any surgery. It'll subside quickly.

Does arm lift operation cause damage to arm muscle?

An arm lift operation performed by an expert surgeon causes no harm to the arm muscle.

Is there any age limit about this operation?

Adults of all ages who have no contraindication to surgery can have arm lift surgery.

Can I do sports after surgery?

You should avoid doing sports and strenuous physical activities for 4-6 weeks after the surgery. After that, you can resume sports activities.

Does the arm sag again after surgery?

The arm skin might sag again if you gain and lose excessive amount of weight again and fail to do exercise.

When can I resume work after surgery?

You can usually resume work 1 week after the surgery.

Can I have an arm lift without surgery?

The only option for tightening a loose and sagging arm is surgery.

What does bat-wing arm mean? Does surgery improve the appearance of the bat-wing arm?

Bat-wing arm means the appearance of the skin drooping from upper arm downwards when the arms are spread. Arm lift surgery helps you to get rid of this problem and have healthy and tighter arms.


Average Stay 1 week
Duration of Hospital Stay 1 day
Duration of Operation 1-2 hours
Type of Anesthesia Local-General anesthesia
Recovery Time 2 weeks

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